Cash Over Valuation (COV) was a term that was actively used back in 2012. During that period of high demand and low supply, I remembered the insane 6-figures COV buyers were willing to pay to secure their dream HDB flat in the resale market. It was so bad that HDB stopped publishing COV data on their website in 2014 Read More
HDB Property Investment
Demand Is High Now. Dear Sellers, Time To Increase Your Expectations
Disclaimer: This is a time-relevant blog post. At this stage in early 2021 - this article is highly relevant and will be helpful to you if you have serious plans to sell your property. If you have been following Second Property Investors for awhile through my FB page - you will have seen this various posts about how Read More
Selling Your BTO after MOP? Please Be Careful
These past few weeks, I been getting a lot of calls from my readers. Majority of them are contacting me about selling their HDB BTO flat which is hitting MOP soon. All of them are concerned that their HDB prices will drop if they don't let go of their flat fast. But is it really true? I explored this topic Read More
How Long Can Your BTO Flat Value Last? [Examples Included]
If you read my previous article: 5 Things To Take Note If Your BTO Has Hit MOP, you can consider this article as the Part 2. I share this as an agent who has continuously met with various HDB homeowners and who observe the prices of HDB flats regularly - especially newly-MOP BTO flats that has turned 5 years Read More
5 Things You Should Take Note if Your BTO Has Hit MOP
I recently received this enquiry: The article she was referring to was this: "Staying in a Resale HDB Flat for the Past 5 Years? Then Read On..." If you been following Second Property Investors for awhile, you will know that I always advocate for: Monitoring your own property portfolio - check whether Read More
What Will Be The Fate of Your HDB Flat?
Our first HDB home is a near and dearest issue in the heart of almost every Singaporean. That is why the hottest topic in 2018 for the majority of Singaporeans was regarding our HDB flat. The 2018 National Day Rally gave us a confirmation of certain news. Your 99-year leasehold on your HDB flat will depreciate to Read More
The HDB Resale Market – Start of Downward Cycle?
In the periods between 2011 and 2014, there was this phenomenon called "Cash Over Valuation" or COV. It was also known as the amount of cash the seller wanted the potential buyer to give that is above and beyond the official valuation of the resale HDB flat. As of March 2014, HDB has stopped publishing official Read More
Staying In A Resale HDB Flat For The Past 5 Years? Then Read On…
In my previous blog post, I wrote about making a decision whether you should consider your primary property as a home OR as an investment? Over the past weekend, I just met up with 3 different families that are facing the same problem. It is not uncommon - happens usually when one bought a resale HDB. (Of course there Read More
Why This Couple Upgraded And Then Downgraded – Did They Make A Mistake?
Being a property agent for the past 10 years, I have encountered many different issues and stories that the Singaporean home owner faces. I have dealt with various property issues that run the entire spectrum - from straight up losses to massive windfalls. I encountered young couples, middle-aged couples, broken-up Read More
The Opportunity Cost of Holding On To Your HDB Flat
If you have read my previous blog post about the the hidden dangers of accrued CPF interest, you might slowly realize that there is an opportunity cost to holding on to your HDB flat. Assuming you decide to hold on to your HDB flat, a few things will happen. You decide to fully utilize your CPF on your HDB property. Read More