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Investment Mindset
2022 Cooling Measures: 5 Takeaways We Can Infer From These Latest Restrictions
It has been more than a month since the 30 Sept 2022 cooling measures was applied. Among the cooling measures - the maximum amount that home owners can borrow from HDB will be reduced, with the loan-to-value limit lowered from 85% to 80%. Posted by CNA on Thursday, September 29, 2022 As an agent active on Read More
Is Your Property Research Methods Outdated?
For the past 1-2 years, the information available online on the Singapore property market has exploded. The common observation I see is of a lot of people doing a lot of research online before making a decision. This is something to be expected - everyone should update and educate themselves on what is going on in the Read More
The Mistakes Made By Older Families That Young Families Should Know
As someone who has met more than 400 families over the years - I have been given the opportunity to understand how different families operate at different stages of life. I learnt what to expect when: Meeting parents with a newborn baby during their maternity leave Meeting parents with toddlers at home Read More
Stretching Yourself To Outside Your Comfort Zone
Warning 🚨🚨🚨 What I am sharing below might make you uncomfortable. Please forgive me if you are unhappy after reading this. I am writing this to share some realities of life. As a self-employed property agent, I often attend courses to upgrade my skills and knowledge. I make it a priority to invest in myself so I Read More
If You are Not Doing This in Your 30s and 40s – You Should Relook at It Again
2018 seemed to pass in a blink of an eye. And right now, we are already approaching the end of Jan 2019. I remember this parenting quote - "The days are long but the years are short." Before we know it, the long days of caring for young children suddenly disappear when our kids start growing up. Similarly, we approach Read More
Why Do People Still Upgrade To Expensive Properties Even In Cooling Measures?
Recently I visited a friend's place - a 4-room HDB flat located in the northern part of Singapore. As a real estate agent, I can't help but let the estimated valuation run in my head. Based on when he purchased it - he likely have paid about $200K then. And then I started thinking about the liability of a housing Read More
Why Freehold Is Not Always Best & Other Shattering Rules of Property Investment
For property investment in Singapore, there exists various "rules" that seems to guide certain decisions. These "rules" came about due to certain "beliefs" that might have been passed down or whispered around in the past. Are These "Rules" Still Relevant Today? In this era of disruption - situations change very fast. Read More
Is A Prudent Choice Always The Safest Choice?
Let's talk a little bit about history. I am not a history buff but I like to look back at the past and see what lessons we can learn from other people's mistakes. In 1942, Lieutenant General Arthur E. Percival, was operating under the strong assumption that the Japanese would attack near the Sembawang naval base, and so Read More
“I Am Rich & I Can Hold On To My Property. But Is It A Good Idea?”
2018 seems like a very good year if you are a private property owner. You will keep hearing a rosy outlook in the property market as sentiments become more optimistic - it seems the only direction that prices can go is up and away! But as someone who observes the real estate market closely on the ground when meeting Read More