For the past 3 years since writing this blog, I have shared monthly insights on Singapore property based on my experiences on the ground and talking to various property owners.
The initial goal for Second Property Investors was to provide value for those who:
- needs guidance on selecting their second property after selling off their first property – which is usually a HDB flat
- are looking to invest in a second property while still keeping their first property
- are simply looking for more information
However, over the years – this simple goal has expanded beyond my initial scope.
I realized I have shared and provided guidance to the:
- average HDB homeowner
- private property owners
- foreigners interested to buy Singapore properties or sell their Singapore properties
- landed property owners
- property investors who own 3 or more properties
- the HDB owner who also owns private properties
- landlords and tenants
- high net worth investors
- and many others in between
These various face-to-face meetings and discussions have greatly enriched my own experience.
So much so that my company has invited me to become the regular “Advanced Financial Calculation” trainer for new & seasoned property agents:
In any case – I am very sure those who have met me have walked away with much greater clarity on what to do next. You can read more here – “What I Learned After 150 People Contacted Me In 2017”
Some have become my clients while some do not.
No matter what, the interactions have greatly helped me in understanding the needs and wants of most people.
Of course, the final aim is to help you achieve your desired goals – whether is it:
- securing your future retirement goals in 20-30 years time
- earning returns from a property portfolio that can beat the inflation rate
- making passive income from highly dependable property assets
- improving and upgrading your family lifestyle in a comfortable and sustainable manner
Some of the of enquiries I received – note the variety:
Majority of these enquiries have their own various doubts and reservations on what steps to take next.
The key to clearing all these doubts and unsure feelings?
Distinction Leads To Clarity…. And Clarity Leads To Power
I believe the above quote comes from Anthony Robbins. It basically means that by understanding the unique and distinct situation you are in – you should be able to get clarity.
And with clarity, you will feel the added confidence in order to be able to make decisions with greater effectiveness.
One of the ways to explore your own unique and distinct situation is by understanding your own financial standing.
This is where my main value-added service comes in where I can help:
- provide a detailed financial assessment on your property portfolio
- show you how you can leverage on your existing assets (both tapped and untapped) for potential gains in the future
Numbers cannot lie – it is a clear report card on what options are open to you.
What You Can Expect During Your Detailed Financial Assessment:
If you are a HDB owner, here is what you can expect to learn from my session:
- Understand the impact of upcoming supply of HDB flats
- What should we know if we are planning to buy a BTO next after buying the first HDB flat
- How to get the best profit from it
If you own a HDB resale unit:
- How should we defend our value of HDB prices dropping in the future
- The understanding of CPF accrued interest and how it will affect your cash proceeds / profits on your HDB
- Make a future simulation of you and your relationship with your HDB for the next 10 to 30 years. Then understand if you are ready for the challenges coming up in this relationship
We will also explore:
- What are the options available for you and your family today if we choose to do something with our HDB flat
- A calculation to check if you have enough financial buffer if you wish to do an upgrade. Sometimes this protection can go up to 10-20 years or more
- How to choose your next property to ensure you are well taken care of
- Any other potential pitfalls will also be addressed
If you currently own a single private property, here is what you can expect to learn:
- Understand the cycle of a property performance in terms of their value
- Have you missed the golden performance of your property? Or are you only at the start of the peak?
- Understand CPF accrued interest and how it will affect any potential profits on your property
- What options are available if the property that is less then 10 years old
- What steps to take if the property is much older than 10 years old
- Is it a good idea to consider holding it for a future en-bloc collective sale
We will also explore by:
- Make a future simulation of you and your relationship with your property for the next 10 to 30 years. Then understand if you are ready for the challenges coming up in this relationship
- Discovering the options available for you and your family today if we choose to do something with your property
- Checking the possibility of multiplying to 2 properties without touching our existing savings
- Understanding the relationship between stamp duty and ownership to check if it is possible to pay the minimum in our taxes
- A calculation to check if you have enough financial buffer if you wish to do buy another property. Sometimes this protection can go up to 10-20 years or more
- How to choose your next property to ensure you are well taken care of
- Any other potential pitfalls will also be addressed
If you are currently a multiple property owner, here is what you can expect to learn:
- Understand the cycle of a property performance in terms of their value
- Have you missed the golden performance of your property? Or are you only at the start of the peak?
- Analyze your entire property portfolio to see which part of the performance cycle they are currently in
- What options are available if the property that is less then 10 years old
- What steps to take if the property is much older than 10 years old
- Is it good to consider holding it for a future en-bloc collective sale
We will also explore:
- Should we consider adding in a property that has future en-bloc potential but with lower monthly rental returns?
- A detailed analysis of your financial numbers to check the possibilities of taking full advantage of the loan
- Relook all ownership titles to check if we can restructure it in a way that allows for minimum stamp duty for the next property investment
And of course, we will:
- Make a future simulation of you and your relationship with your property for the next 10 to 30 years. Then understand if you are ready for the challenges coming up in this relationship
- A calculation to check if you have enough financial buffer if you wish to do buy another property. Sometimes this protection can go up to 10-20 years or more
- How to choose your next property to ensure you are well taken care of
- Any other potential pitfalls will also be addressed
If you are keen to get your clarity on your current financial situation especially with regards to your existing property portfolio, I invite you to contact me to arrange for your complimentary financial assessment.
I still have appointment slots available and we can arrange to meetup to discuss and explore your potential options.
Of course, there is absolutely no obligation to take action after my assessment – it all depends on your own comfort level.
Our discussion is best done when both you and your spouse are present to prevent any dangers of miscommunication.
If you are ready to get started, just click on the button below:
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