Second Property Investors serves 10,000 readers monthly and helped hundreds of homeowners to upgrade/restructure their property portfolio. Read through our case studies
As someone who has met more than 400 families over the years – I have been given the opportunity to understand how different families operate at different stages of life.
I learnt what to expect when:
Meeting parents with a newborn baby during their maternity leave
Meeting parents with toddlers at home
Meeting parents with primary school children
Meeting families with working adults at home
I see the challenges they are facing everyday.
In the process, I learn about their past regrets and mistaken decisions. I also learnt about the decisions that led to positive results in their current situation.
After more than 400 meetings, I believe that I am in a very good position to share with you about your potential future.
Here is an example:
“Gary, how can I expect to stay prudent? I bought a HDB for my family to stay because my kids’ school is next door. But its value has dropped $100K over the last 5 years. And that doesn’t even include my $100K renovation.”
A very common path I noticed was this:
Bought a BTO flat 6 years ago.
Upon MOP, sold the flat.
Bought an old HDB next to their parents’ place.
Use the cash proceeds from the BTO sale to renovate the old flat till it looks brand new.
Is this the best path?
Would it be good for you if someone was to tell you this wasn’t the best path?
Someone from your future who can appeal to you and tell you what to be careful about and what to be aware of?
Fortune Teller or Time Traveller?
There are days I feel like a fortune teller. I can advise on the potential consequences and future effects – but it depends on your own unique behaviour or background.
And there are days I feel like a time traveller.
I met an older family in the morning and found out about their regretful decision they made and its impact on their current life.
And in the evening, I meet a young family who is about to embark on the same regretful decision that the older family I met earlier.
I managed to travel backwards to 15 years into the past in just 1 day.
My role is to share the truth. But whose truth?
The truth is based on your own family circumstances, financial situation and background.
What I share is sometimes uncomfortable to hear.
But at the very least – if you were to decide to still go ahead – at least you are mentally prepared on the potential consequences.
“I Wish I Had Known Earlier. I Wish Someone Could Have Told Me.”
I keep hearing this phrase during all my various meetings.
So many of them kept saying how they wished someone had told them about the outcome.
“If that had been the case – I would have never done it.”
“If I knew that outcome, I would have started to prepare for it.”
“I wished I had saved more in the past.”
Regrets. Shocked. Caught by surprise. No more choices open because it is now too late. No savings.
And now what they want to do next is also not possible.
It is not only about buying the wrong property.
It is also about selling at the right time as well.
I have been hearing this regularly – “Cash proceeds used to be so much higher in the past.”
So if you have a chance where the “future-you” comes and tells you – you can choose not to sell.
But remember to take note of this fact: Your CPF accrued interest – it is eating your cash portion silently.
Will you listen to “future-you”?
Do take note that there will be more competing units coming up as well. Your HDB flat is not the only in Punggol.
“I am buying a freehold unit and plan to hold on forever. I want to pass to my children in the future.
That was what my uncle did and today the price is still high. They sold and made $1 million in profits.”
Your future-you will come out and tell you:
Don’t waste time buying a freehold unit that costs you much more today. It has more down-payment, the unit is much smaller and with no facilities.
Eventually, you will find out that the price movement is almost the same like a 99 years leasehold property – with a MRT next to it, with full condo facilities and a big plot of land for your kids to run around.
There are plenty of other factors to consider as well:
Schools for your children
Upcoming new MRT stations
Upcoming malls
URA transformation and masterplans
Development of digital hubs
What should we do as all these are happening around us?
Everyone wants to be financially secure and not have to stress over money.
You already know that investing and making your savings work for you – is the key to achieving your financial goals.
But are you wondering how you can actually make this happen?
I have written close to 50 articles about Singapore property. Explore and read them – all are available freely.
I try my best to make it as evergreen as possible so it is still applicable even 2-3 years later.
They are written based on my past 13 years of experience and meeting more than 400 families over the past 3 years.
Your “future-you” will have something to tell you.
But you can decide – whether you want your “future-you” to give you a grateful hug or tears of regret.
Have questions?
Feel free to drop me a message via whatsapp or the contact form for a no-obligation discussion.
I promise not to pester or disturb you after that.
Gary Seah is the founder of Second Property Investors and has been writing since 2015 to share his insights in the Singapore property market.
He has helped many people to strategize, plan & restructure their property portfolio and get the best profit from it.
Gary has been the agent behind many lucrative upgrading case studies.
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