Second Property Investors serves 10,000 readers monthly and helped hundreds of homeowners to upgrade/restructure their property portfolio. Read through our case studies
In March 2022, I managed to secure a price of $1.728M for a 3-bedder unit located at Queens Peak.
It was the record price back then that created a new benchmark.
Other units started to transact at that price we set.
Recent transaction records has since surpassed this price.
#14: A resale unit in a development in a prime location that I managed to sell above $2K psf
This was a unit located in a development near the city area.
Recent transactions has been sold below $2K psf.
I managed to secure a price that was above $2K psf.
#15: Westwood Residences EC – Sold a 3-bedder unit at a record price of $1.08M
#16: 4-room HDB flat at Eunos sold at $740K
This is not technically the highest transaction in the block as a unit on a higher floor was sold at $748K.
But for the floor range of 10 to 12 storeys – the $740K is the record price.
#17: HDB EA at Fajar Road sold for $760K
This is a recent transaction, so it has not been added to the records yet.
But here is the OTP with the price of $760K.
Why am I sharing these transactions with you?
The main reason is to highlight my level of activity in the market.
I am consistently on the ground and regularly meeting up with various property owners.
I also regularly negotiate with buyers – not just for myself, but also guiding my agents as they enter their own negotiations with their clients.
I am very familiar with the needs of buyers in this market right now.
That familiarity has made it easier for me to tap on their sentiments which has allowed me to close these transaction deals at record prices.
Here are 6 principles that has guided me throughout the selling journey:
#1: Understand the persona of the buyers
In the market today, sellers might have the slight edge against buyers.
Property supply is limited and owners are able to ask for a higher price.
However, not all buyers are always willing to pay such high prices and finding the right buyer takes time.
So as an agent representing my seller, I will have to deeply understand the persona of the buyers who are willing to pay.
I will find that missing link or X-factor that allows me to bridge the gap between the “current price” and the “record price”.
Here is an example:
I know some buyers return back to a neighbourhood because of nostalgic reasons.
They could have grown up there or attended the school nearby.
And they are making the move back because of the need to be nearby for their children’s school.
For these potential buyers, the fond memories they have might be strong enough to trigger their willingness to pay a higher price in order to secure a unit there.
Based on my experience, it would be a mistake to underestimate the strength of their past nostalgic experiences.
That sentimental feeling can be powerful enough for them to take action.
Queuing up for the food in my childhood place.
This was the coffee shop that I would visit almost everyday.
They trust what I put them through is ultimately the best course of action for them.
In case you are wondering, buyers do engage me as well to negotiate a property on their behalf.
#6: I believe in co-broking with fellow agents
In today’s market with a tight property supply, some seller agents are taking advantage by refusing to co-broke with buyer agents especially in the private property segment.
This is because such seller agents do not want to share their commission with buyer agents.
Personally, I think this is a very short-sighted move.
By sharing commission with buyer agents, I incentivize agents to bring their buyers to my unit.
This expands my pool of potential buyers and brings more benefit to my sellers who have engaged my services.
I am guided by the principle of protecting the interests of my clients.
If I choose not to co-broke, it means I am guided by own personal interests of protecting my own pocket.
Is this hard for me to do? Yes, because I am only human.
In fact, on many occasions, I’ve received only 0.5% commission from seller agents when I represent buyers.
It is quite common in today’s market – that seller agents only pay buyer agents 0.5% so they can keep more.
But I choose to pay buyer agents double which is 1% rate – so they have more motivation to work together with me to help my seller clients.
I plan to be in this business for the long term – so I am focused on building relationships rather than just for short-term gains.
1 thing that I always encourage seller to do is to pay me more commission 😝😝😝
Gary Seah is the founder of Second Property Investors and has been writing since 2015 to share his insights in the Singapore property market.
He has helped many people to strategize, plan & restructure their property portfolio and get the best profit from it.
Gary has been the agent behind many lucrative upgrading case studies.
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