Second Property Investors serves 10,000 readers monthly and helped hundreds of homeowners to upgrade/restructure their property portfolio. Read through our case studies
You might think I am showing off with this article.
But the truth is – I have seen so many people who consulted with me and then made a decision to work with someone else.
While I accept it as everyone has their own right and freedom to choose who to work with – it pains me when they come back to me a few months or even years later – regretting the very decision that I told them NOT to make.
I don’t really like to highlight my achievements because it becomes very dangerous to be DEFINED by those achievements. I don’t want my achievements to define who I am.
They are a part of who I am but they should not be the main part.
This reader understands my motivations for doing my real estate business the way I do
What I want as part of my identity is that my clients can trust me that their goals and their success – is prioritized and ahead of mine.
So what I will highlight here are the wins that I have chalked up for my clients and how I did it.
Some 2021 Wins For My Clients
You can read more about the transactions that I did in 2020 here.
But below is a post I wrote about how I broke my own records.
You can check the comments in the post for the OTP proof.
So how do I do it?
How do I get my clients satisfied and happy with my service?
I Am Well-Versed In Both the Buyers’ & Sellers’ Mindset
If you are understand buying and selling, you will realize that both parties have opposing goals.
The buyer wants to get the lowest price possible.
The seller wants to get the highest price possible.
Basically both parties wants a great deal for their own side. And great agents will be able to bridge this divide between them.
Here I created 2 videos – one for sellers who wants to attract buyers. And the other video is for buyers who wants to get a good deal from sellers.
The summary of this video is that basically buyers will undergo 3 stages:
Stage 1: The Research Phase
Stage 2: You Become Aware of What You Want
Stage 3: You Realize That There Are Trade-Offs In Trying To Get What You Want
If you are a seller, it will be very helpful for you to CLEARLY understand the stages that buyers go through.
Over the years of dealing with various buyers, I realized that the best buyers will be the one who are in Stage 3.
Stage 1 and 2 buyers are unlikely to provide sellers with the prices they want.
This is a very obvious Stage 1 buyer. No loan yet but has already started viewing various places.
If you are a seller – you WANT to attract Stage 3 buyers.
Now, the video below is for buyers who want to grab great deals.
The summary of this video is that basically sellers will undergo 3 stages as well.
Stage 1: The Confident & Optimistic Seller
Stage 2: Slightly Worried About Lack of Viewings
Stage 3: Become a Doubtful Seller
So if you are a buyer, you want to go after the sellers who are in Stage 3.
Feedback from someone who watched my videos
Stage 1 and Stage 2 sellers will not be able to provide you with the best deals possible.
Again, the only reason I am aware of all these stages is simply because of my depth of experience over the years.
I have negotiated with enough sellers when I represent buyers.
I have negotiated with enough buyers when I represent sellers.
And this is why you want me on YOUR SIDE when I fight on your behalf.
Some clients think I don’t show off enough. Haha.
What’s My Secret?
The secret is not really some big secret.
The secret is basically I know how to reframe the mindset of whomever I am negotiating against.
I make the other party see what my clients want…
And then turn it around and make them realize it is also beneficial for them.
For example, my client who is a seller needs a longer extension for the completion of sale.
So I will create a package that will cater to that need.
I will either get a buyer who is willing to accept that extension at a certain price.
Or I will get a buyer who needs to move in quickly and able to pay extra in order to move in immediately.
For example, there was a case where I got a buyer who wanted to move in immediately and pay an additional $40K for the privilege to do so.
My seller accepted it and in the process has an additional $40K that can pay for at least 1 year worth of rental when he only needed 6 months’ worth.
This is only possible through careful listening of the needs from both parties.
Treat Everyone The Way You Want To Be Treated
Everyone knows this as the Golden Rule.
Unfortunately, in the cut-throat real estate industry, this is easier said than done.
I am in the service line.
Every single day, I deal with people and their emotions. The property is actually not the most important part of this process.
What is important is people’s attachment to the properties.
I understand that very, very well.
Because people will remember how they were treated.
And they will come back to you – even though yours might NOT be the best offer.
You Have To Let the Professionals Take Over
In our very affluent and educated society, we sometimes believe we can do a lot of things ourselves.
But when my car tires needed to be changed, I realized I had no idea what I was doing – after wasting close to 2 hours.
If I had consulted a professional, I would have saved that 2 hours.
When time is lost – you can’t get it back.
Similarly, your property is one of the most important asset in your life.
You should not take the risk of leaving such an important transaction to someone who might be out of touch, out of depth and has very little idea on what is going on.
There are 30,000 agents in the market.
And if you follow the 80/20 Rule – it is very likely only 20% of them have a certain level of expertise and experience.
The remaining 80% are inactive or have very limited experience.
I know this because many years ago – I had no knowledge on HDB transactions.
In fact, experienced HDB agents scolded me because my knowledge was so bad last time.
I wrote about it here:
I am all about giving people a chance.
I take agents under my wing and let them learn together with me.
But for something as important like your property, do take some time to do your research and explore deeply about your agent’s expertise and experience.
The most basic thing you can do is check on them at CEA website and find out their most recent transactions they have done.
This is the expectations I have from my readers or potential clients.
Interview a few agents and don’t be scared to ask them the most difficult questions.
See how they respond.
If you don’t like it, then please contact me. LOL.
I Have Openly Broken My Rice Bowl Many Times
I have lost count how many times I have stopped my readers and my clients from buying and selling.
Each time, I reject a reader who wants to sell – that is one listing less, one lesser commission to earn.
But that is because I know, for some cases – staying put is better than selling their home.
I am very self-aware on the topic of commissions.
Thanks to solid mentors I had in the past who reminded me – why should I lose the trust and credibility I built over the years just to earn a few extra thousand dollars?
Everything else can be bought with money but you cannot buy trust, credibility and experience in the supermarket.
Not available.
In the post below, I share my own thoughts when I catch myself thinking about my own commissions and ahead of my client’s interest.
I am human so yes, sometimes I have to remind myself or check-in with my mentors whenever I start to think about this.
It is a test that I try not to fail.
I plan to be in a real estate for a long time. I have yet to turn 40 years old – so hopefully I still have a lot more years ahead of me.
I also have a family to support and agents to mentor.
I am acutely aware that whatever I do will be monitored closely so I will do my best.
Gary Seah is the founder of Second Property Investors and has been writing since 2015 to share his insights in the Singapore property market.
He has helped many people to strategize, plan & restructure their property portfolio and get the best profit from it.
Gary has been the agent behind many lucrative upgrading case studies.
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Who knows – they may have been looking for an answer all this while?
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